2017年7月25日 星期二

[學習] 留學生活一週年的學習心得


  1. 語言
    一開始很不習慣澳洲的腔調、發音以及用語,但是熟悉後覺得很有趣,像是他們說話語尾總是上揚,所以讓人覺得他們的心情總是很愉悅 ;或是他們不太發"r"的尾音,感覺有點懶惰XD 而經過一年我有些用詞也被影響了,像是我回台灣時和妹妹說到購物用的推車時,很自然的用了"trolley",結果被她發現這是英式用法,因為她會說是"cart"(美式用法)。我覺得很有意思,同樣是英文,不同的地方的人用起來卻如此不同。我想中文也是如此,沒有誰對誰錯,只是各地發展出不同的文化特色。
  2. 上課態度
    我必須承認我並不是一個天生就很認真的學生XD 我很佩服那些能夠坐在圖書館一整天、才開學就把課本準備好,和馬上找好小組作業組員的學生。但是我喜歡和不同的人一起合作,所以至少每門課我都可以認識來自不同地方與背景的新朋友。
  3. 課外活動

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2017年3月5日 星期日



這是Adele第一次到澳洲舉辦演唱會,從西澳的珀斯拉開巡迴序幕,第二站來到布里斯本。演唱會的地點選擇在The Gabba體育場,也是這個體育場第一次舉辦演唱會。因此市議會曾表達一些疑慮,因為場地附近並沒有火車站,要運輸接駁近6萬名觀眾只能仰賴公車。Adele也俏皮的在演唱會上說她明白地點選擇有些爭議,但她很高興能來布里斯本。(Adele tells Brisbane City Council to 'shut up' over decision to hold concert at the Gabba, ABC news)





終於寫到演唱會進行的部份了!這次沒有暖場嘉賓,大約8點時演唱會開始,意料之內用專輯25的熱門主打歌Hello開場。舞台設計不算複雜,中間圓台加上外圈環繞一圈,上方則是環形的螢幕。整場下來Adele總共穿了2套衣服:一套酒紅色的洋裝與黑色褲裝。只有真正的歌手才能不著墨在視覺規劃,把焦點聚在歌聲上。Adele的歌唱技巧高超、游刃有餘,情緒鋪陳更讓歌曲更有層次。她的創作非常真實,唱Someone Like You前和觀眾說她當時失戀失去自我,靠著寫歌把自己找回來,好想給她拍拍QAQ

我也很喜歡她的個性,非常親民風趣,洋裝太長差點跌倒還自嘲自己音飄了一下(但其實根本聽不出來啊XD)。她的爽朗笑聲和滄桑的歌聲與歌詞卻形成強烈對比,從鬱鬱寡歡的青年長成開朗媽媽,都是美滿家庭的功勞吧!像她就有提到專輯25裡歌曲Sweetest Devotion就是寫給她的兒子的,真是太有愛了~

她很有誠意的唱了2個小時,從她當初被發掘的Hometown Glory到最新單曲Water Under the Bridge,首首都讓人陶醉在其中,慢歌時跟著她心碎失落,輕快的曲目則讓人不自覺跟著搖擺起舞。3張專輯就有那麼多暢銷歌曲實在是太驚人了,Adele肯定能算是當代代表性的歌手!演唱會上她實在太有魅力了!


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2017年2月23日 星期四

[旅行] 摩頓島2天1夜行 Moreton Island (Tangalooma Island Resort) 2 Day 1 Night Trip

這次妹妹來拜訪我,原本想去當地人推薦的North Stradbroke Island,但是2人的住宿選擇比較少,所以比較便利的緣故就去了摩頓島。

During my sister's visit, We would have like to visit Straddie at first, but it had few accommodation choices for two persons. Therefore, we went to Moreton Island instead.


Moreton Island is mainly run by a private corporation, which is Tangalooma Island Resort. You can stay there overnight or join a day tour.


Moreton Island is the third largest sand island of the world so the beaches are really amazing. The must-do on the island is to feed wild dolphins. There is a variety of activities visitors may choose from, for example, snorkelling, scuba diving, kayaking, Segway, and helicopter tours. You can book in advance or just go to the tour desks after you arrive.

查過價格後,我事先和在旅行社工作的室友買了浮潛導覽, 這個行程是先搭船到距離不遠的沈船區浮潛。這些沈船是之前政府為了削弱沿岸的浪讓船可以停靠刻意放的,因為各種生物附著,所以魚群也會來覓食,成為浮潛的好景點。雖然當天天氣不佳,而且水濁濁的,但還是看到海龜游過去,太特別的經驗了!

I booked snorkelling tour via my flatmate who works at a tour agency. This tour included taking a boat to the shipwreck area near the island and snorkelling around the wrecks. These ships were sunk by Queensland Government years ago as a breakwater but it has become a good spot to snorkel. Although the weather was not good, I still saw a turtle swim beneath me which was really cool!


The snorkelling came with 1 hour kayak hire for free. We could choose a single or double kayak and we chose the double one. I hadn't have done kayaking before, but it was easy to learn. So people without experience should be fine if they don't go too far. It was calming and nice on the sea.

在乘船處食售票員會發給遊客島上的活動行程本,我剛好看到Segway在特價,時間比較短但半價很吸引人,所以臨時在活動時間前10分鐘去報名參加,結果只有我跟我妹兩個人而已哈哈! 是蠻好玩的,但我實在是無法駕馭好,速度沒辦法很快,但我妹就很快上手而且都不怕跌倒一直衝衝衝~ 我覺得沒玩過的人可以趁半價體驗看看XD

I found a discounted Segway tour in brochure, which is shorter than normal ones but with half of the usual price. We'd decided to go 10 minutes before the scheduled time of the tour and we were lucky to make it! It was fun to try and the instructor was amazing. I couldn't ride it like my sister did. She was like a natural.


The last activity we did was dolphin feeding. The dolphins are wild but they are so smart to come here every evening to be fed by people. It's only a short moment to feed them, but it was exciting to see them in such a close distance.

這些體驗和妹妹一起就更好玩了~把她送回台灣後,下禮拜我也要開學了!希望可以好好分配時間,然後繼續寫網誌 😊

I think the trip was more fun with my sister 😊

Uni starts from next week. Hope I can manage my time well and keep writing posts!

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2017年1月30日 星期一

[學習] 昆士蘭大學第一學期心得 My Experience of Studying at UQ: First Semester

上一篇大致介紹了學校和課程的概況,這次就分享一下一個學期下來的心得感想。像上圖大概是很多人對出國讀書的印象吧,總會期待能夠和來自世界各地的學生交流,也能夠有獨處的時間讓自己能成長~殊不知學習實在太忙碌,匆匆走過學校大草皮趕路的時候遠比躺著拿本書享受陽光的時刻多😂 而且商學院普遍以中國學生居多,常常下課時聽見中文比英文還容易,實在太有趣了!話雖如此,還是認識了許多不同的人、看到不同的事物,收獲量多,所以我歸納出三項我覺得值得分享的事物。

In the last post, I gave a brief introduction to UQ and the program I'm studying in. This time I'd like to share the experience of my first semester at UQ. The left picture above may be the image some people have for studying abroad. It is expected to communicate with students from all over the world as well as to have some quality time with ourselves and to gain some personal growth. However, the reality is more like the right picture above 😂  Students are so busy during the semester that we would rather rush through the great court than read a book or enjoy the sunshine. As for the multicultural friends, at business school, there are a lot of Chinese students and thus it's more likely to hear Chinese than English at the break between classes. It's still fun though that I've met so many different people and seen different things.

Below I'll share three things outstanding from my first semester of studying.

1. 學校環境非常的「自然」優美 The natural environment of UQ

這是學校的湖畔,湖面上與周圍草地有很多的水鳥、飛鳥棲息,牠們也不太怕人過著怡然的生活~當寶可夢還流行的時候,有一次開著AR螢幕裡出現一隻大蜥蜴簡直嚇壞我,真是特別的神奇寶貝啊XD 在校園裡漫步真的是一件很享受的事。

The pictures above were taken around the UQ lakes. There are a lot of birds and other creatures that are not afraid of human beings. When Pokemon Go was still a thing, I once saw a huge lizard on the screen that scared the heck out of me. Lol. What a special Pokemon! I enjoy taking a walk in the campus all the time.


Besides the nature, the architecture is worth looking at too. Some buildings are modern, and some are made of sandstones which is a feature of many Australia's oldest tertiary education institutions. I would recommend tourists who travel to Brisbane to consider UQ as a attraction and to see how our tuition fees are spent.
UQ Art Museum
UQ Great Court
2. 包容多元文化 Cultural Diversity

澳洲本身就是個移民眾多的國家,現在學校裡更是有很多國際學生,所以學校對待不同文化背景學生的態度就顯得很重要,而UQ的確也做了許多努力。像是學校有個計畫叫做「Mates At UQ」,計劃裡有分成不同的組別:聊天交友、語言交換、出遊、用餐等等不同主題讓學生可以參加,更容易適應融入大學生活。學術方面則有很多免費課程可以讓學生精進英文聽說讀寫,圖書館也有協助學生解決在作業上寫作相關的問題。另外,校園裡也有空間讓不同宗教信仰的人能夠進行活動。

There are a lot of immigrants and international students in Australia. I reckon it's an important issue for uni to treat students from different cultural background right. I think UQ has made a lot of efforts in this aspect. For example, there is a program called "Mates At UQ" and there are a lot of sub-groups such as chat mates, language exchange mates and so on. This program is to help students fit into uni life. There are also various free courses to help students with academic English and assistance with assignment at libraries. On the other hand, there are many facilities to support people with different religions and traditions.


As you can see, UQ not only helps students with studying but also living. During the orientation week, the uni holds many workshops such as accommodation, Aussie culture introduction, uni introduction, etc., to let students adjust better to uni life.


I also encountered many good teachers. They eased the anxiety of the international students who have English as a second language by encouraging students to engage in the class discussions. On the other hand, maybe it's because of my program (tourism management), teachers asked us to share examples from our home countries all the time.


As for the classmates I met, there were plenty of Chinese students who had known each other from Bridging English Program so they had been friends already. However, they were still friendly and we've become friends by doing group assignments together. Actually it wasn't a bad thing to be alone at the beginning of the uni. It made me to get to know people from other countries as well.

3. 課程壓力重但不難 Pressure of studying


Semesters here are one month shorter than the ones in Taiwan so studying is more intense that the period of midterm exam is only one month after a semester starts. Nevertheless, the lecturers said that they were not going to make it hard on us. They only wanted to know how well we understand the things covered at class. Afterwards, they reviewed the questions with the students and asked for our feedback regarding their teaching so that they could adjust the ways they teach to suit the needs of the students.



There are two parts of one course: lecture and tutorial. In the lecture, it's harder to interact with lecturers since there were over 200 students there, but in the tutorial, there were more chances and activities for use to engage in. I like this kind of course design (In Taiwan we usually only have lectures.). In this way, knowledges can be delivered during the lectures, and activities of engagement can take place in the tutorials. There were group assignments as well so that students had the chance to learn to work with different people.


Last but not least, although I'm taking a coursework master program, it still emphasises on the ability to critical thinking. Therefore, students have to do a lot of research and reading for assignments. Students also have to come up with their own opinions and ideas. At first it is hard to do so, but lecturers are there to help. For example, after we handed in our report outline, they gave us advice on what we should pay attention when we develop the complete report.

Feel free to share your thoughts too :)

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2017年1月23日 星期一

[學習] 昆士蘭大學心得感想:學校與課程介紹
My Experience of Studying at University of Queensland: Introduction of UQ and the Program

*English version below



校名/ 昆士蘭大學 University of Queensland

  • 第一學期從二月開始
  • 第二學期從七月開始  (兩個學期都可以入學)
  • 學期長度:實際教學十三週、學期中間有放假一週、期末考前有溫書假一週

  • 歷史悠久:1909年建立,為昆州第一所大學
  • 校譽優良:澳洲八校聯盟之一;該聯盟是澳洲享譽國際的八所頂尖研究型綜合性大學,包含墨爾本大學、澳洲國立大學、雪梨大學...等等。學校排名則大約落在全球50名左右。
課程名稱/ 旅遊、飯店與活動管理碩士學程

  • 我選擇的是「授課型」碩士,意即不用寫論文,修課完成就取得學位;另外也有研究型碩士選擇,要繼續念博士的人就要選擇這個啦~
  • 大學是相關領域畢業的可選擇1.5年的碩士,而我不是所以要讀2年
  • 兩年課程的畢業條件是基礎課程+三個領域要修滿32學分(一門課2學分),所以有些人是一個主修,然後隨意修其他兩個領域的課;雙主修,不修其中一個領域;或不選主修,三個領域各修幾門課程
  • 布里斯本與台灣只有2小時時差,想馬麻時可以聯絡~
  • 兩個學期都可以入學,所以準備時間比較彈性
  • 授課型碩士對想要繼續深造但不想寫論文的人很適合
  • 學校國際學生很多,因此給予學生的幫助很多,從學業到生活都有
  • 學期比台灣短,暑假從12-2月有三個月長!(寒假是1個月)
  • 台灣學的是美式英文,所以需要花點時間適應
  • 學期短所以比較緊湊,第一個月上完就要期中考
  • UQ學費年年漲,而且比一些學校昂貴
  • UQ是學術研究型大學,有一說是相較之下,業界比較喜歡偏重實務的昆士蘭科技大學

✎✎ English Version ✎✎

In this article, I'm only writing about the information of education in Australia, and I'll save my thoughts on studying here for the following post(s). The reasons for this are to make my posts concise, and to let people know more about the education system here since Australia has surpassed the UK and become the second place of Taiwanese students' choices of studying abroad.

University Name/ 昆士蘭大學 University of Queensland

  • Semester 1:Feb.
  • Semester 2:July
     (Students can start their programs from either semester 1 or 2.)
  • Length of a Semester: 13 teaching weeks; 1 week of mid-break; 1 revision week before the final exam period.

University Features/
  • History: Founded in 1909, UQ is one of the oldest universities in Australia.
  • Reputation: A member of Australia's research-intensive Group of Eight, including Australian National University, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, etc. According to the official website, UQ is a top 50 university as measured by the Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities.
Program Name/ Master of Tourism, Hospitality, and Event Management

Program Features/
  • I chose the master degree by "coursework", which means that I will get my degree by taking courses but not by doing research.
  • Students with bachelor degrees in relative fields may study the 1.5-year program; others like myself may study the 2-year program.
  • The graduate requirement of the 2-year program is to obtain 32 units (2 units per course) by taking all the foundation and core courses, and some of the other courses in the three fields. Therefore, students may graduate with one major, double majors or non major.
  • The time in Brisbane is only 2-hour earlier than the time in Taiwan so that it's not a problem to contact friends and families in Taiwan.
  • Students can start their programs from either semester 1 or 2 so that there's less pressure when preparing to apply.
  • Coursework degrees are suitable for students who would like to learn more without the pressure of writing a thesis.
  • There are a lot of international students in UQ, and therefore the uni provides both academic and living assistance.
  • Semesters are shorter than the ones in Taiwan and the summer vacation is 3-month long! ( The winter vacation is one month long though.)
  • American English is taught in Taiwan, so Taiwanese students need time to adjust to Australian English.
  • Due to shorter semesters, the courses are more intense, and the period of midterm exams is only a month after the semester starts.
  • Due to the policy, UQ's tuition fees become higher every year. UQ's fees are higher than some other universities as well.
  • UQ is research oriented. I once heard that the employment rates of QUT graduates are better than UQ.

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2017年1月17日 星期二

[旅行][美食] 黃金海岸主海灘衝浪+彼得魚店 Surf Lessons @Main Beach+Peter's Fish Market


Gold Coast is about one-hour ride from Brisbane and it can be accessed by train so that many of my friends have visited there before. Some like it, but some reckon it's too commercialised. However, it's still a famous tourist attraction so I finally went there.


I've surfed in Taitung and I found it interesting. I really wanted to learn it well so that I can surf when I go to beaches. Btw, Taiwanese don't like to get tanned so sunbathing is not our thing to do at the beach.

經過比價,選擇了Get Wet Surf School的3堂課的套裝行程,學生身份又有更優惠的價格(偷偷說,他根本沒有查我的學生證)。3堂課下來,我覺得有心學衝浪的人可以選擇這個套裝行程。因為第一堂課頂多能引起你對衝浪的興趣,教練會教你先用單腳跪姿再站起來平衡;第二堂課會教你直接站起來,不再倚靠膝蓋來輔助;第三堂課就能學習划水和選浪,以後就可以租設備自己練習衝浪囉!另外,網站上有說如果上完3堂課,可以用更優惠的價格升級成5堂課,所以也許也可以詢問是不是可以上完一次課後升級成3堂課。

After I compared the price between different surf schools, I chose the 3-lesson package of Get Wet Surf school with student discount. After the lessons, I think that it is good to take 3 lessons if you really want to learn how to surf.Here are the reasons:

  1. In the first lesson, you'll learn how to stand up with kneeling on the surfboard with one knee first. The instructor will do the pushing so that you won't have to paddle at the first time. You may know if you're interested in surfing and if you want to learn more or not.
  2. In the second lesson, you'll learn how to stand up directly without kneeling. The instructor will still push you onto the waves.
  3. In the third lesson, you'll learn to paddle and catch the waves. From this moment, practice makes perfect.
Btw, I noticed that it can be upgraded to the 5-lesson package with more favorable price after you take the 3-lesson one based on their website. Therefore, I think it might be possible to upgrade to 3-lesson package after you take one lesson. (Well, you have to check with them then.)


This surf school have three lessons a day at 8 and 10 o'clock in the morning, and 1 o'clock in the afternoon. I took each of them. In my experience, it wasn't very sunny in the one at 8, and the waves were strong. It was very sunny and the temperature was high in the one at 10, and the waves were gentle. It was gloomy in the one at 1 in the afternoon, and it rained heavily afterwards.


The lessons were taught in English but they're not hard to understand. There were people from all over the world to learn surfing. The instructors would let people practice the posture several times before they went into the water. In the sea, the instructor would push people when the waves were coming so that they only had to try to stand up and find the balance. Almost everyone can stand up successfully during the first lesson so that it is fun to experience even you only take one lesson.

基本上這些活動都會靠幫遊客拍照賺錢,這家是把所有照片(包含別人的XD)用一個USB給你,要價AU$25, 所以同行的人買一組就好。第一天我還遇到一個好心的中國女生她買了照片說可以傳給我,所以可以和其他遊客攀談互相交流也不錯喔!

They take pictures of you during the lesson and you can buy them afterwards. They will give you all the pictures including others' with a USB flash drive for AU$25. Thus you can buy only one set with your companions. I was so lucky that a friendly Chinese girl who bought a set said she could send me the pictures. So if you travel alone, you can make friends with other tourists and share the content :)


Since I travelled from Brisbane, I went straight to the parking lot and meet the others beside the truck with the logo of the surf school. Other tourists who stayed in the hotels around Gold Coast were picked up from their places conveniently.

找到了這家和其他景觀餐廳比下來相對平價,賣炸魚薯條的Peter's Fish Market(並不是魚市,只是一家賣海鮮的店。)

On my day-trip schedule was only surfing. I'll find sometime to visit other attractions such as Surfers Paradise. The other thing I did was to EAT. I didn't have planned beforehand so I used tripadvisor to look for things to eat in the surrounding area. I found a store called Peter's Fish Market where has fish and chips, and the price is affordable.


There were a lot of tourist there who were waiting for their meal after ordering from the menu on the wall. Costumers can also purchase fresh seafood and have it cooked by the kitchen as well. There is dinning areas outside the store. I ordered kids meal which was enough for me. Lol. I think "fish and chips" is worth to try for tourists and it tasted good as well.


Last, I really have to remind tourists of birds stealing food from you. I had a really bad experience when I first got here QQ

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2017年1月7日 星期六

旅行/ 布里斯本國際賽之一日網球迷 Brisbane International Day Trip

 J. Thompson (AUS) vs.  K. Nishikori (JPN)

我不是網球迷,網球啟蒙只是來自漫畫「網球王子」XD 但是剛好看到活動消息,還發現台灣選手謝淑薇也有參賽,那就躬逢其盛一下吧!

To be honest,I don't usually watch tennis games and my tennis knowledge was mainly from the manga, Prince of Tennis. Lol. I only went to Brisbane International this time because I found out that Taiwanese player Suwei Hsieh participated in Women Double.



[Event Introduction]

The Brisbane International is a professional tennis tournament played on outdoor hard courts in Brisbane, Queensland. It is part of the ATP World Tour 250 series of the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) World Tour and of the WTA Premier tournaments of the Women's Tennis Association (WTA) Tour. (Information from Wikipedia)

After my research, I found that some players may choose to participate in Brisbane International in order to adjust themselves and prepare for the big game, Australian Open. It is held annually in January. The dates of this year are from 1st Jan. to 8th jan. The venue is at QLD tennis centre.



Not until 10 p.m. will the schedule for the following day come out. After I confirmed Hsieh will play on 6th Jan., I bought the ticket online. The weather was not nice and it rained occasionally so that the game was suspended for a while. Therefore, I took some time to wander around the venue and bought some snacks. I remember last time I went to Suncorp stadium for a concert and there are some food stands as well. This is different from Taipei Arena where audience couldn't buy food and have it at their seats.


可惜最後謝淑薇和德國搭擋Laura Siegemund輸掉了比賽,但還是一場精彩的賽事啊!基本上網球規則不難,節奏也不會太慢,就算不是很懂也可以看得很開心:)反正其他人拍手,一起拍手就對了XD

Unfortunately, Hsieh and her German partner Siegemund lost the game in the end. It's still a good game to watch! The rules of Tennis are not very difficult to understand and the pace is not slow so that people like me who don't often watch tennis games can enjoy the games very well 😁  Here is a tip, when other audiences clap, you clap 😂

Ticket Information
  • 官方網站 Official website   http://www.brisbaneinternational.com.au/
  • 票種 Categories:
  1. Ground pass:沒有劃位所以最便宜,適合給想到賽場享受氣氛的人
                                 There is no seat assignment so that it is the cheapest one.
                                 It is suitable for people who want to enjoy the atmosphere.
                                 The games at the show courts are allowed to watch as well.
  2. Single session:單日票且有分白天與晚上兩種票
                                  It's valid for one day or twilight session with seat assignment.
  3. Multiple session:有男單、女單決賽的雙日票,和男單準決賽、決賽的雙日票
                                      There are two-day ticket for men's and women's final,
                                      and two-day ticket for men's seminal and final.
*不同位子價位高到低有分 PLATINUM / CAT A / CAT B 三種
According to different section of the seat, there are 3 kinds of price: Platinum, cat A, and cat B.
*除了Ground pass,其他票種的價錢也有分成人 / 小孩(3-14歲) / 團體(10人以上)/ 優惠票(學生、退休人士、退伍軍人和身障人士適用)/ 家人(兩大兩小或一大三小)
Except Ground pass, other ticket kinds have different prices for different types of people, i.e. adult, child (age between 3 to 14), group (more than 10 persons), concession (full-time secondary and tertiary students, Pensioners, Veterans Affairs, TPI and Health Care Card holders), and family (2 Adults & 2 Children or 1 Adult & 3 Children )

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